Tuesday, October 4, 2011

"The Tank" - Track 8 off The Tank by The War I Survived

To download this free track (320 kbps MP3), right click & choose (save as): http://bit.ly/08_The_Tank

High above the clouds in the sky
There is still sun
There is still light

Heal me up
Before we wipe
Heal me with
Your sun, your light

This place brings back memories
Before I saw the light
The night I fell to my enemies
Now I return to fight

As the world gets darker and darker, the older you get, it's easy to become bitter and angry. Your view of the world becomes more and more clouded. It's easy to forget that there is still good things in this world, and there is still hope for all the lost souls.

I feel like I'm running on empty sometimes, and I need refilled in order to make it any further. Sometimes we need a big dose of something to refuel our power cells. Sometimes we need light, hope, and inspiration, whatever you want to call it. We need something.

And we need it now.

I'm drawn back to a time when things seemed better. Life was simple. When you're young, you have it all figured out, or so you would believe. And now that I'm older, I'm trying to pinpoint why, and when, and where my story switched from day to night. Before I died, felled by my enemies hand, my own inner torment.

Then I remember there was no instant, no moment of defeat, where my soul was captured. This battle is still going on, and I need to wake up. And like that, I'm back in it. Ready to smile again, ready to take on heaps of trouble, with a light heart and joyful soul.

I can extend myself beyond my means, taking damage the whole way, because something is healing me up. My faith reminds me that on the darkest days of my life, though I can't see it, the sun is still shining. Remembering this, my spirit is renewed, and I am ready for more. I am smiling, ready for another round.

One more thing on a personal note. I hope you all are getting why I'm doing this. In my studio, there is an old painted two by four. It's missing chunks, bitten off by time and decay, and roughly painted army green. Four words are written across it in black letters, "Dispel negativity through creativity.", and these are a reminder of why I write music. It's how I keep my soul clean.

Download the last 7 weeks songs (320 kbps MP3), right click & choose (save as):
01 We Burn http://bit.ly/01_We_Burn
02 Aesthetics http://bit.ly/02_Aesthetics
03 Phoenix http://bit.ly/03_Phoenix
04 Silent Cries http://bit.ly/04_Silent_Cries
05 Low http://bit.ly/05_Low
06 Jade http://bit.ly/06_Jade
07 To Arms http://bit.ly/07_To_Arms

Remember, each Tuesday for the next 4 weeks we'll be releasing another track, blog, & music video until October 25th. Check back each week or join our mailing list to get these tracks in your inbox. Thank you so much for your continued support!

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