Sunday, March 17, 2013


As our tour has come to an end, I reflect upon our adventure together, and search my heart for answers to some of life's never ending questions. I've always believed that things happen for a reason, and as I age a little more, more things become apparent to me. One thing is clear, music is a gift, and I'm supposed to be on this path with the rest of my band mates sharing this gift with other people. But now that we're on this path together, it doesn't end there, this is only the beginning.

So, on this tour, I'm always observing and reflecting. Little things have always mattered to me, like how we treat people, and the ripple effect that has. Being a musician in the spotlight, no matter how small it is, makes the interactions we have with others that much more memorable, and the effect those interactions have that much more apparent. I've always tried to hold myself accountable for the message I deliver with the music I perform. Not only does that effect the words we sing, but the way we treat our audience. It's easy to say as a musician, I put on the same show for 1 person, that I put on for 100 people. But what about when you play a show for 100 people, and 99 of them scorn you, but there's a chance that 1 person will be forever changed by the message you have. Do you react and let your attitude reflect that of the majority, or do you hold fast and keep faith that one person might be changed for the better, and pass the good torch on.

I know what I want to do. I want to walk the narrow path. The one that's filled with love and joy and peace. And while I'm on that path, I want to use this God given gift of music to share that love, joy, and peace with those I encounter along the way. We sing at the end of our set, "let's open our eyes", and I think I'm starting to figure out what that means.

Love you, love the band. --Nik

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