Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Tour Blog: Day Four

I can remember driving through big cities when I was a kid, looking up at all the skyscrapers and thinking wow. And later as a young teenager,going through the massive streets, the concrete and glow of neon lights,and thinking that somewhere there was a place in all of this where a band could play, and it would be amazing. Last night, we found one of those spots,and it was exactly how I imagined.

It's strangely familiar, walking into a scene that's been in your head for years, and actually realizing,you're here, you're doing it. It's raining hard,and the streets are reflecting the red and blue glow from lights on skyscrapers. We're in the thick of it. The bar is off in the shadows of all the tall buildings, and it's trickling in people who are there to be impressed, nothing less. Every band that plays is better than the last, no messing around tonight. We're calm though,this is what we're here for, and we're ready.

We haul our stuff in fast, no messing around. When it's our turn to set up and play, we're efficient,and prepared. As soon as the sound man says go, we're on it. We explode with the first two songs,by the third, people we've never seen before are singing our songs with us, and the front of the stage is filling up with drinks offered up by the audience. They dig it. We slam the stage with everything we have, and then drape our tattered souls out for everyone to see. By the end, we've bared it all, and it all goes amazing.

Loading out, strangers are shaking our hands, and other bands are letting us know how well we've done. We came, we played, we did it. The soft blue glow of that stage, and the angry thumping of the speakers won't leave my head for a long time. The imagining of my youth, is now replaced with a fond memory. Hope I get to do it again soon.

1 comment:

  1. Well written my friend, I hope you all are having a BLAST and are safe out there!



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