Sunday, February 27, 2011

A Shatterday to Remember!

To Keokukians,

We arrived on the scene early at the Tipenecker Tap. Cole and and I furiously gamed away at Plants vs Zombies on our phones, while the bands and friends started to trickle in. Soon it became time to load in our gargantuan amps, and start setting up, while the booths, tables, and bar stools filled up with our fellow comrades. We immediatley felt at home amongst the tattoos, beards, and faded black band shirts.

As musicians through the ages have played the taverns around the world, this was one of those moments where the stars fell into place, and a defining moment was had between band and listener. There's nothing quite as intimate as having the band and audience trapped in a room, where you can see every eyeball and expression as every note and rhythm churns. We poured the music out untill our tap was dry, and left the listeners flooded with ample melodies to digest. And it was good.

The bands that followed only christened the listeners even further, and at the end of the night we were all equally drained, purified, and ready to go home with big fat smiles on our faces. It was a Shatterday to remember, can't wait to do it again.

Nik- The War I Survived

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