Sunday, January 27, 2013

March on into Tour!

Hey gang!

March is fast approaching, and it'll be a big month for us! We're going on tour again, and we're really stoked about it. Here's where we will be!
Grabbing late night grub after a show

Friday, March 8 - Des Moines, IA
Saturday, March 9 - Omaha, NE
Sunday, March 10 - Lincoln, NE
Monday, March 11 - Kansas City, MO
Tuesday, March 12 - Columbia, MO
Wednesday, March 13 - St. Louis, MO
Thursday, March 14 - Chicago, IL
Friday, March 15 - TBA
Saturday, March 16 - TBA

We'll update you on the venues and who will be joining us for the shows! Just mark your calendars to come hang out with us once again! We love you guys!

The War I Survived

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2012 Year End Blog‏

Another year under our belt as a band, and this year we went through a huge metamorphosis. We played a fraction of the shows we played the year before, added a new member, and recorded a new album. Things aren't as simple as they once were, but I suppose that's the way of things. I can honestly say we are better musicians than when we first started this band, but it remains to be seen what direction that will take us. There's a certain uneasy feeling when things start spiraling out beyond your comfort zone, and the future becomes more unclear, with many paths starting to fork off from the original. This band has become more of a family, and with any family issues arise, and you get through it somehow, and only time will tell how it all ends up. I will say the greatest thing that I've discovered this year is the support of loyal fans, and how much that actually means. We literally would not be releasing an album in early 2013 if it wasn't for the help and contributions of our amazing fans and supporters. When people around you start to take notice in something you're doing, and they start to really believe in you, I can't describe how uplifting that is. When my hope and strength fails, I'm humbled by the encouragement I get from people that I've seen at shows we've played. I may only see some people a few times a year at shows, but I'm still greeted as an old friend, given lots of love, respect, and encouragement. It's amazing. I can only hope this next year goes as well as the rest of the years we've been a band. And being able to say we've been a band for years is in itself a triumph for me. I hope the path we take this year will be one of loyal commitment, and fruitful in spirit with lots of love. May the new year be great for you all. Lyltb! -Nik


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